Sheila McKinney

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Effective Teaching Strategies for Every Classroom

Many teaching strategies work for any classroom, no matter what the age of the students or the subject.  When a teacher implements a combination of effective teaching strategies, their students have more opportunities to perform better in class.

Here are some that I find very effective:

1)  Model as you Teach - When you are presenting a new subject to your class, it helps to include a demonstration.  

2) Work as a Team - Splitting the class up into different teams to complete an assignment is a teaching strategy that works wonders.  Group assignments encourage teamwork and helps your class succeed.

3)  Let the Students Teach - Letting students lead the class in teaching requires preparation and a deep understanding of coursework.  You can assign this task individually or break up students into group.  The goal of this strategy is to get your students to display the knowledge they have and to share it with their classmates.

4)  Integrate Technology into the Classroom - Computers, laptops and tablets can allow you to enhance your lesson plans with online educational activities.  There are several free resources that you can access with a simple Google search.  Try looking up educational videos or playing free math and science games.

5)  Try Graphic Organizers - Graphic organizers display information visually and students need to think to understand how that information needs to be applied.

6)   Emphasize Behavior Management - This is a big part of teaching.  Teaching strategies often give you plenty of structure regarding how to teach a class, but not enough information on how to control it.  If you are experiencing some behavioral problems in class programs like CLASSCRAFT can help.

7)   Utilize Visual Aids -Visual aids, such as smart boards, focus students' attention on the tool and students can absorb information both visually and audibly.

8)   Implement Inquiry-Based Learning - Inquiry-Based Learning is a technique used to appeal to your students' curiosity allowing them to identify question that interest them and explore those questions in an educational setting and research them.
