There are certain pieces of advice that almost every young entry-level worker gets
used to hearing: Look professional at all times; speak confidently, be authoriative.
What is less clear is how a young worker can actually develop these skills. How
do you develop an executive presence complete with gravitas.
Here are a few tips:
1) COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL - learn how to be concise while contributing
something that is fresh and new.
2) WATCH YOUR TONE - Your voice can give away a lack of experience or
indicate anxiety. Clarity and pitch of your voice is important. Cut down on
"up talk" where speaker raise their voice at the end of a sentence.
3) PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE - Nothing beats repetition when it comes
to speaking. Practice how you can boil down your thoughts concisely.
4) BE PRESENT - Leave your smartphone behind when attending meetings to
apeear focused and to be available.