Sheila McKinney

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Retirements is going to be long and expensive.  You want to maximize every
penny you are saving.  Here are some tips:

1)  SAVE EVEN A LITTLE MORE - The ideal amount is 15-20%.  If that sounds
     like a lot to sock away each pay period, do it gradually and get the company
     match if possible.

2)  REDUCE COSTS - New government rules require your 401(k) provider to
     show how much you are paying in fees.  Your all-in (total) costs should be no
     more than 1% per year of your total balance and ideally less.

3)  REBALANCE - What's the right balance of equities versus bonds in your
     retirement portfolio? Many people use the formual of 100 minus their age
     to decide the percentage of equities versus fixed income.  If you are 40, 60%
     stock to bond using this formula.  You could be at 70-30 now which is more
     aggressive.  To get back to your desired allocation you may need to sell
     equities and put more money into bonds.  Rebalancing is crucial to keeping
     returns steady.